Saturday, 30 May 2009

Barnet Borough Police Public Meeting on 2nd June at 7pm

Barnet Borough Police are holding a public meeting with a difference at Barnet Football Club, Priory Grove, Underhill next Tuesday, 2nd June at 7pm.

The Borough Commander is hoping to attend and chair the meeting in order to answer your questions about policing and crime matters that concern you in Barnet and explain the Policing Pledge and what it means in Barnet.

Please come along and participate in order to help us ensure that you receive the service you expect from your Local Police. You, your friends and your neighbours are welcome so please distribute this message to them.

Tim Clarke
Barnet Borough Police
Policing Pledge

Wednesday, 27 May 2009

Safer Neighbourhood Team Survey

The Oakleigh Ward Safer Neighbourhood Team wishes to consult with members of the public about police visibility in their local area, the impact they have had and how they are working towards local community issues. Your participation is requested, which will only take a few minutes:

Please click here to go to the online interactive survey.

This survey is completely anonymous. We only require to know which borough you live or work in. We do ask your demographic data but this is to ensure we are consulting with all members of the population. This data will be kept strictly in confidence.

The survey will need to be completed by FRIDAY 19th JUNE 2009.

We appreciate your help with this survey and value your comments.

Many thanks.

Oakleigh Ward Safer Neighbourhood Team,
Whetstone Police Station, High Road, Whetstone, London, N12 OLW
t. 020 8721 2976 e.

Visit the Safer Neighbourhoods website for more information about local policing.

Tuesday, 19 May 2009

Burglary Artifice

Oakleigh Ward CAP team and NHW coordinators

I spoke to Paul Hammond at Colindale this morning and he advised me that there is a large increase in artifice burglaries, mostly the culprits are following the common tactic of alleging they are from one of the utility companies (electricity, gas or water) and the Finchley area was badly hit last weekend.

However, a new tactic has also emerged, a few people have had water thrown over them and when they return home to change they have been followed by a female who has knocked on their door, she claims to have witnessed the incident and encourages them to change but while they do so she relieves them of as many valuables as she can and disappears.

Please warn all your friends and neighbours, particularly the older folks who are more likely to react adversely to this sort of shock.

There has also been a large increase in the number of high value cars stolen from driveways, if possible keep cars in the garage and keep both car and garage locked. The thieves do not seem to be deterred by alarms on cars or houses, if they can see keys left on hall tables. If you see anyone loitering near cars or on driveways, do not hesitate, dial 999.

Bob Vice for Boroughwatch

Barnet News