Wednesday, 30 September 2009

Beware Phone Con say Met. Police

Barnet Police are warning the public about a new con trick that has been reported to them in the last 48 hours.
Thieves are attempting to gain your bank and credit card details by phoning Barnet residents and stating that they are police. A story is then told that they have been informed by the residents’ bank that there has been fraudulent activity on their account and that their bank card and pin details should be handed over to a police officer who will be attending your address later on their behalf. This is all a lie. This is an elaborate hoax to steal from you and should be reported to the police.
Barnet Police do not ask for bank cards and we will always be able to produce identification when in uniform and in plain clothes. We would recommend that you ring a landline number for police that you have obtained from the phonebook or use 0300 123 1212, our new non emergency number, or 999 in an emergency to contact us.
Barnet Police are fully investigating the four crimes reported to them and are reminding residents that you should never disclose your pin number. No one including your own bank will ever ask you for this number. Also there is no need for you to give your bank card to another person to take away with them.
Your PIN is to be kept secret and never disclosed to anybody else. Always when entering your PIN ensure that no one can see the key pad. It is best to cover your typing hand with the other to block any view for potential thieves.
If you know anything that could assist police in identifying those involved in this crime in Barnet, call 020 8733 5033 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.

Wednesday, 23 September 2009

15 OPN: Planning Application B/02592/09 Refused

On 18th September, 2009 the Barnet Planning Case Officer, Josleen Chug, refused a third application (B/02592/09) to demolish 15 Oakleigh Park North and replace it with a block of five flats.

We will have to wait to see if the applicant appeals but, meanwhile, thanks to the 107 neighbours who objected to this planning application and to Theresa Villiers MP for lending her support.

Reasons for refusal were as follows:

* The proposed development by reason of its size, mass, bulk, design and siting would be a dominant and obtrusive addition to the street out of keeping with the scale of development in the locality harmful to the character and appearance of the street scene and general locality contrary to policies GBEnv1, GBEnv2, D1, D2 and H16 of the Barnet Unitary Development Plan (2006).

* The plans accompanying this application are:- Design and Access Statement 7403, PS01, PS02, PS03, Report on the impact on trees of proposals for development by John Cromar and accompanying drawings (TC/1-38-2367/P1, TC/1-38-2368/P2, TC/1-38-2367/P3, TC/1-38-2367/P4, 7403/OS, 7403 01, 7403 02, 7403 03, 7403 11, 7403 12A, 7403 13, 7403 14, 7403 15, 7403 16, 7403 17.

* The proposal will result in loss of some trees of special amenity value contrary to policies GBEnv1, GBEnv4, D12 and D13 of the Barnet Unitary Development Plan (2006).

* Inadequate information has been submitted in respect of the impact of the proposed works and development on the trees of special amenity value, protected by Tree Preservation Order at the front and rear of the site; the local planning authority is therefore unable to properly assess its impact. In the absence of detailed information it is considered that the proposed development could result in the loss of trees of special amenity value in these locations contrary to policies GBEnv1, GBEnv4, D12 and D13 of the Barnet Unitary Development Plan (2006).

* The proposed development does not include a formal undertaking to meet extra education, health and libraries services costs together with associated monitoring costs arising as a result of the development, contrary to policies CS2, CS8 and IMP2 of the Barnet Unitary Development Plan (2006), Supplementary Planning Document - Planning Obligations, Supplementary Planning Document - Contributions to Education, Supplementary Planning Documents - Contributions to Health Facilities and Supplementary Planning Document - Contributions to Libraries.

Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Aaron Gershfield and others to pay $1M Payday Loan Settlement

You may recall that Aaron Gershfield, one of the applicants to develop 15 Oakleigh Park North, was charged by the U.S. Federal Trade Commission and the State of Nevada with using unfair and deceptive collection tactics in his payday loan companies.

As a result a group of Internet payday lending companies that allegedly threatened customers who didn't make payments with arrest and called customers at work and swore at them has agreed to pay US$1 million to settle charges from the U.S. Federal Trade Commission and the State of Nevada.

Read the FTC Press Release

Thursday, 17 September 2009

Safer Neighbourhood Teams PDF version

If you had problems printing the Safer Neighbourhood Teams contact sheet posted last Tuesday, here's a PDF version.

To open and print it you'll need Adobe Reader, which should already be on your PC but if it isn't, download Adobe Reader here.

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Safer Neighbourhood Teams contact sheet

Please click here to download the latest Safer Neighbourhood Teams contact sheet.


Paul Hammond, Barnet Boroughwatch

Tuesday, 1 September 2009

Metropolitan Police Consultation

The Metropolitan Police Authority (MPA) is consulting on London's policing priorities and are interested in your opinion.

Please tell them your views by completing this short questionnaire.

If you require a paper copy call 020 7202 0063 and leave your name and address, or if you require a telephone questionnaire leave your name and telephone number and somebody will call you back.

The consultation closes on 30th November 2009.

The MPA look forward to hearing your views on policing in London.

Tim Clarke | Communications | Barnet
Colindale Police Station, Grahame Park Way, London, NW9 5TW

Barnet News