Monday 29 June 2009

iBar Licence Application Update

Due to errors in the advertisement of the variation application for the above premises the period in which representations for or against the application may be made has been extended. This means, whilst your representation still stands, further representation may be accepted up until the 21st July 2009.

I can confirm that the application will be re-advertised to show the activities and standard hours applied for within the application which are:
  1. To permit the sale of alcohol, the exhibition of films, the performance of live music, the playing of recorded music, Karaoke and the provision of facilities for dancing from 10:00hrs until 02:00hrs the following morning on Mondays to Sundays.

  2. To permit late night refreshment Monday to Sunday 23:00hrs until 02:00hrs the following morning.

  3. An additional thirty minutes drinking up time on top of the last permitted sale of alcohol.

  4. For all of the above an additional hour on specific days identified in the application form (e.g. Bank Holidays)
Should you have any questions or queries with regards this or any other matter regarding the application or hearing process please do not hesitate to contact me.

Michelle Rudland
Licensing Officer
Community Protection Group
Corporate Governance
London Borough of Barnet
North London Business Park
Oakleigh Road South
London N11 1NP
t. 020 8359 7452
f. 020 8361 7650

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